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    ATS is a PL with a highly expressive type system from the framework Applied Type System. Both dependent types and linear types are available in ATS. The current implementation of ATS (ATS/Anairiats) is written in ATS itself. It can be as efficient as C/C++ and supports * Functional programming. ATS uses eager call-by-value eval, it also supports lazy call-by-need evaluation. Linear types in ATS can often make FP run with high efficiency * Imperative programming. While features considered dangerous in other languages (e.g., explicit pointer arithmetic and explicit memory mgmt) are allowed in ATS, the type system of ATS is still able to guarantee that no run-time errors can occur * Concurrent programming. ATS, equipped with a multicore-safe implementation of garbage collection, can support multithreaded programming through the use of pthreads and parallel let * Modular programming. The module system of ATS is largely infuenced by that of Modula-3
    13 лет назад , @draganigajic


    Idris is an experimental language with full dependent types. Dependent types allow types to be predicated on values, meaning that some aspects of a program's behaviour can be specified precisely in the type. The language is closely related to Epigram and Agda. The aims of the project are: * To provide a platform for realistic programming with dependent types. By realistic, we mean the ability to interact with the outside world and use primitive types and operations. This includes networking, file handling, concurrency, etc. * To show that full dependent types do not mean we have to abandon the functional style we have come to know and love with languages like Haskell and OCaml. lightweight dependently typed programming means allowing the programmer full access to values in types, and letting the type checker do the hard work so you don't have to! Future plans include some more useful syntax (local definitions/where clauses being the most important), a compiler,
    13 лет назад , @draganigajic
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