SciRate is an open source rating and commenting system for arXiv preprints. Papers are upvoted and discussed by the community, and we sometimes play host to more in depth peer review.
Sicher suchen und finden unter Wahrung der Privatsphäre. Das digitale Wissen der Welt muss ohne Bevormundung durch Staaten oder Konzerne frei zugänglich sein und bleiben.
More than 100 mio. scientfic documents from more than 5000 content providers. BASE is one of the world's most voluminous search engines especially for academic open access web resources.
•Panabee is a faster way to search and compare sites •See results from Google, Bing, Twitter, Amazon, Wikipedia, and others with one click •View sites side-by-side
Clusty is a whole new way to search the web. Clusty queries several top search engines, combines the results, and generates an ordered list based on comparative ranking. This "metasearch" approach helps raise the best results to the top and push search engine spam to the bottom. But what really makes Clusty unique is what happens after you search. Instead of delivering millions of search results in one long list, our search engine groups similar results together into clusters. Clusters help you see your search results by topic so you can zero in on exactly what you’re looking for or discover unexpected relationships between items. When was the last time you went to the third or fourth page of the search results? Rather than scrolling through page after page, the clusters help you find results you may have missed or that were buried deep in the ranked list.