Traditional methods for protecting community from the effects of scale and poor behavior are now manifestly unfeasible. Raising barriers to entry, relying on the assumption that users will maintain only one registered account, and placing faith in the ability of admins and user moderation to reproduce a forum's organic culture are all easily circumvented, gamed, and/or ineffective when faced with the problems of scale. Moreover, they tend to reinforce self-destructive behaviors, by increasing returns to the most persistent rather than the most constructive, reinforcing groupthink, and providing ample targets for trolling and griefing. This article attempts to fundamentally rethink what constitutes community and society on the web, and what possibilities exist for their maintenance and reconstruction in the face of scale and malicious users. The recommendations reached, after analyzing the weaknesses of the web forums we all know and love
Grundlegender Text. Fordert und formuliert - auch als Ergebnis einer langen Diskussion - "Gesetze" für ein Identitäts-Metalayer des Web. Zieht dabei u.a. Konsequenzen aus dem Scheitern von Passport. Annotated link
Identity theft is the crime that keeps on giving. Years after victims' identities have been compromised they can still be managing the effects of a ruined credit history, which can cost them bank mortgages or jobs. Victims can even face jail time for crim
Penrose is a java-based virtual directory server. Virtual directory enables federating (aggregating) identity data from multiple heterogeneous sources like directory, databases, flat files, and web services - real-time - and makes it available to identity consumers via LDAP.
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