Online reference managers are extraordinary productivity tools, but it would be a mistake to take this as their primary interest for the academic community. As it is often the case for social software services, online reference managers are becoming power
Part of the allure of classifying things by assigning tags to them is that the user can give free reign to sloppiness. There is no authority —human or computational— passing judgment on the appropriateness or validity of tags, because tags have to mak
Part of the allure of classifying things by assigning tags to them is that the user can give free reign to sloppiness. There is no authority —human or computational— passing judgment on the appropriateness or validity of tags, because tags have to mak
"Tagging works because it strikes a balance between the individual and social. It serves the individual motive of remembering, and forms a ad-hoc social groups around it."
"In folksonomies (...) we get to discover content based on who is tagging it. This is powerful because now we can judge content in terms of who (...), and not just how relevant it might be to some algorithm that doesn’t take into account who-knows-who."
M. Grahl, A. Hotho, and G. Stumme. 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management (I-KNOW '07), page 356-364. Graz, Austria, Know-Center, (September 2007)
F. Abel, N. Henze, and D. Krause. Web Information Systems and Technologies, 5th International Conference, WEBIST 2009, Lisbon, Portugal, March 23-26, 2009, Revised Selected Papers, volume 45 of Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, page 113-127. Springer, (2010)
B. Krause, R. Jäschke, A. Hotho, and G. Stumme. HT '08: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, page 157-166. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2008)
M. Grahl, A. Hotho, and G. Stumme. Workshop Proceedings of Lernen -- Wissensentdeckung -- Adaptivität (LWA 2007), page 50-54. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, (September 2007)