CSpace provides a platform for secure, decentralized, user-to-user communication over the internet. The driving idea behind the CSpace platform is to provide a connect(user,service) primitive, similar to the sockets API connect(ip,port). Applications built on top of CSpace can simply invoke connect(user,service) to establish a connection. The CSpace platform will take care of locating the user and creating a secure, nat/firewall friendly connection.
This tutorial is intended to collect together my own experiences using the Java NIO libraries and the dozens of hints, tips, suggestions and caveats that litter the Internet. When I wrote Rox all of the useful information existed as just that: hints, tips
T. Wenzlaff. Java Magazin, (2010)An den Default Port einer Netzwerkkarte scheint sich ohne Probleme ein Client Socket binden zu lassen. Scheinbar realisieren Netzwerkkarten auf dem Default Port das Server Socket. Laut Autor ist das zumindest bei dem AVR-NET-IO-Board so. Die Vermutung liegt aber nahe, dass alle Karten so funktionieren..