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    Buoy is a library for creating user interfaces in Java programs. It is built on top of Swing, but provides a completely new set of classes to represent graphical components. It offers many advantages over using Swing directly, including: * A much simpler, cleaner, and more consistent API * A better mechanism for laying out interface components * A far more powerful event handling mechanism, which is based on dynamic binding of arbitrary methods as event listeners * Built in support for serializing user interfaces as XML, then reconstructing them again Other important features of Buoy include: * It forms a "transparent wrapper" around Swing. It hides the complexity of Swing when you don't want to deal with it, but doesn't get in your way when you actually need that complexity. * It is very small and efficient. The entire compiled library is only 200 K. * It is written entirely in Java, and works on any JVM that is compatible with J2SE 1.4 or later. * All source code is in the public domain.
    vor 16 Jahren von @gresch

    WebOnSwing is a revolutionary multiple environment application framework that allows you to create web applications in the same way you develope a desktop one. You dont need to use JSP files, special tags, XML files, requests, posts, etc. Everything is Java and pure HTML files that comes directly from the graphic designer. WebOnSwing is an open source project distributed under LGPL license. This framework constructs and handles html pages with Swing components, allowing to use MVC architecture and all the facilities provided by Swing in the web. The main purpose of WebOnSwing is not to provide a migration tool for preexisting Swing applications to a web environment, although you can use this framework to do that kind of tasks. WebOnSwing make a re use of a solid, tested and well known architecture like Swing's one in web developement process. Provides a powerful template engine that simplify the integration of components and windows with html templates. WebOnSwing templates dont need any special tag and dont have absolutly nothing of logic inside, so you can interchange those in a polimorphic way to create differents skins of your component, pages or entire site, with no recoding. WebOnSwing default window manager allows the use of modal windows transparently, keeping the stack of windows and each one state within the html page, to be able to reconstruct navigation completely, with no need to maintain any data in the server session. With this aproach passing parameters throught differents windows is easy and dont need a special treatment. Another interesting feature is the capacity to refresh components, that allows to update single parts of the page which have changed from last request, remarkably lowering to the traffic of the sucesive requirements and increasing the speed of page responses. Also using the automatic refresh feature is possible to simulate the behavior of a desktop application from web, obtaining the differences of the view by periodics polling from client side to server.
    vor 16 Jahren von @gresch

    Swing Explorer is a tool for Swing developers intended for visual exploring of Swing-based application internals. It finds all windows in explored Swing application and displays their component hierarchies as a tree. Each component in the tree can be displayed in the Swing Explorer's work area and visually inspected. Swing Explorer helps to determine sub-components when user moves mouse over them and provides additional information about currently selected component (layout, size, coordinates, border and other things). Additionally it allows to view basic graphical operations used to draw swing components like DebugGraphics does, but in more convenient way.
    vor 16 Jahren von @gresch

    Flying Saucer is an XHTML renderer written in Java. It's 100% Java, not a native wrapper, and it only handles well-formed XHTML + CSS. It is intended for embedding web-based user interfaces into Java applications (ex. web photo album generator, help viewer, iTunes Music Store clone). It cannot be used as a general purpose web browser since it does not support the malformed legacy HTML found on the web, though recent work on compatibility libraries may be enough to do what you need. You may be able to work with legacy HTML (e.g. HTML that is not well-formed XML) by using a pre-processor that cleans it up; there are several of these, including JTidy and TagSoup.
    vor 16 Jahren von @gresch

    genesis is an open-source framework that aims to bring simplicity and productivity to enterprise application development, ensuring scalability, robustness and testability of your software. The main goal is to simplify the development of business components and the construction of complex graphical interfaces with minimum effort for developers. To accomplish its mission, genesis combines several open-source frameworks in a completely transparent way for developers, through the use of AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming). Our main challenge is to allow people with little knowledge of the Java platform to develop robust applications fast, without requiring them to learn several new technologies and complex concepts. We invite you to experience our approach to the problem.
    vor 16 Jahren von @gresch