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    One of the biggest promises of Business Process Management was that the business people can model and execute their business processes without involvement from IT folks. This promise was kept in a simple workflow sceanarios by utilizing limited number of 'built-in' activity types of BPMS packages but once you face little more complex business process sceanarios providing transactional integration with existing software and complex interactions with human beings, this limited expression power make it hard to drag and drop process modeling, and finally it brings a huge help from software vendors or system integrators and write a lot of code that is making processes utterly inflexible downstream. That means, concurrent BPMS is extremely lack in something like 'Technical Abstraction' and 'Expression Extensibility'.
    18 years ago by @gresch

    The intention for this project is a very simple API to call different kinds of services (provider/technology). Crispy's aims is to provide a single point of entry for remote invocation for a wide number of transports: eg. RMI, EJB, JAX-RPC or XML-RPC. It works by using properties to configure a service manager, which is then used to invoke the remote API. Crispy is a simple Java codebase with an API that sits between your client code and the services your code must access. It provides a layer of abstraction to decouple client code from access to a service, as well as its location and underlying implementation. The special on this idea is, that these calls are simple Java object calls (remote or local calls are transparent).
    18 years ago by @gresch
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