= Twitter + Delicious *NEW* We've added support for Read it Later, *NEW* Do you have your own Scuttle server? The Rat can post bookmarks to it! This site provides a simple bookmarking service. We follow your twitter feed, and whenever a status you tweet or re-tweet contains URLs, we add them to your bookmarks. Optionally, bookmark URLs in @replies to you, and in tweets you mark as Favorites. A tweet A Delicious bookmark Let the packrat keep track of the URLs you share. You don't want to post them in multiple places. Just tweet the URLs that interest you, and Ratius T. Packrat will add them to your bookmarks for you. He'll use any hashtags you include as tags for your bookmark and include the full text of the tweet in the bookmark comments.
Truviso continuously analyzes massive volumes of dynamic information—providing comprehensive visibility and actionable insights for any event, opportunity or trend on-demand. Truviso empowers decision-makers with continuous:
Analysis - always-on, game-changing analytics of streaming data
Visibility - dynamic, web-based dashboards and on-demand applications
Action - extensible, data-driven actions and alerts
Truviso's approach is based on years of pioneering research, leveraging industry standards, so it's fast to implement, flexible to configure, and easy to modify as your needs change over time.