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    Some New York lawmakers and college administrators are worried about what the state's new free tuition policy at SUNY and CUNY could mean for private schools, including those at Utica College. The private college just cut its tuition rate by 42 percent last fall. Since Utica College lowered its undergraduate tuition rate last fall, enrollment and retention numbers are up. And now, Jeffrey Gates, the school's vice president for student affairs and enrollment management, says they're seeing a record number of applications too. But Gates fears this momentum could stall with the state's new Excelsior Scholarship. "We’re concerned of course that the budget is a clear statement from some officials that students should attend a public institution instead of small, private institutions like Utica and it’s sort of insulting to our students, the families and the trustees and our entire campus community," Gates said. Gates says offering free tuition at state colleges could inadvertently limit choices for students. "Each student has a different idea of fit, has a different idea of an experience and really what is going to be the best environment for them that’s what our concern is is that we don’t want to take choice away from students," Gates said. Assemblyman Anthony Brindisi (D-Utica) says making college more affordable is something state leaders should be pursuing, but he thinks the Excelsior Scholarship is the wrong way to go about it. "I think there is a danger that private universities and colleges will have suffered under this proposal," Brindisi said. "Utica College just did the right thing last year by doing a tuition reset and lowering their tuition, but unfortunately they have not received any recognition from the state for doing that. Their main competition are SUNY schools and we should be incentivizing and rewarding private colleges and universities like Utica College that have done the right thing to lower tuition." The new state budget does increase scholarship funding for private schools, but the
    7 years ago by @prophe

    When Le Moyne College President Linda LeMura first learned of Gov. Andrew Cuomo's proposal to provide free tuition at New York's public colleges and universities, she thought it would be an opportunity for the state to strengthen the partnership between public and private schools. In the four months since Cuomo first detailed his plan and a few weeks removed from the 2017-18 state budget's adoption, LeMura doesn't see how the program — named the Excelsior Scholarship — will help the state's higher education institutions. Once fully phased in, the Excelsior Scholarship will be available for students who attend State University of New York colleges and universities and whose families earn no more than $125,000 annually. The program is more complex than just simply distributing free tuition to SUNY students. There are requirements. Before receiving the scholarship, students are required to apply for other federal and state aid. If they are awarded the scholarship, they must maintain an adequate grade point average and enroll in at least 30 credits each academic year. After graduating from a state institution, students who receive the scholarship must live and work in New York for a period equal to the duration of the scholarship. For example, if a student receives the scholarship for every year of their undergraduate studies, they must stay in the state for four years after commencement. Students who break this obligation will have their scholarship become a student loan they must pay back. The impact of the program won't be known until after it begins this fall. But LeMura and Wells College President Jonathan Gibralter have concerns about the free tuition benefit. For LeMura, the main issue is how the public and private schools will be pitted against each other. She also thinks the state's approach won't address the real driver of costs: the existing higher education business model. "Someone has to pay for the increasing costs and the business model itself is under immense pressure because the governme
    7 years ago by @prophe

    Chancellor Zimpher, Commissioner Elia Announce Historic Partnership To Address New York’s Teaching Shortage and improve teacher education
    9 years ago by @leon92183
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