Openchart2, based on the original JOpenChart library by Sebastian Müller, provides a simple, yet powerful, interface for Java programmers to create two-dimensional charts and plots. The library features an assortment of graph styles, including advanced scatter plots, bar graphs, and pie charts. New features are added constantly to improve the power of the library.
Best of all, Openchart2 is free! The library is licensed under the GNU Lesser GPL, allowing for its inclusion in proprietary software (as long as modifications to the library are released). Furthermore, the developer documentation is available to all.
Charts with Swing
This chart implementation provides graphs of one or more functions as Swing components. The design was made to render large amounts of real-time data. Java 5 or newer is required. Please try the Web Start demonstration.
The JCCKit is a small (< 100Kb) library and a very flexible framework for creating scientific charts and plots.
JCCKit is written for the JDK™ 1.1.8 platform (except of a Graphics2D renderer). Thus, it is suitable for scientific Applets and for PDA's running a PersonalJava™ implementation.
JCCKit is an offspring of my lecture The Art of Developing Scientific Java Applets held at the University of Basel, Switzerland, in the winter semester 2002/03. See lecture 12 and 13 which explains the basic architecture of JCCKit.
Purpose and Features
The main purpose is to provide a flexible kit for writing applets and application with the need for visualizing scientific data. If you are looking for a lean scientific chart and plot library without all the unwanted bells and whistles of the heavy competitors try JCCKit.
The key features of JCCKit are:
* small (< 100Kb jar file)
* highly configurable due to a sophisticated configuration concept
* extensible (1/3 of all classes are interfaces or abstract classes.)
* automatic updating if data changes
* easy programming of dynamic charts and plots
* automatic rescaling if canvas size changes
* out-of-the-box applet for presenting static data on a web page without needing knowledge of the Java™ programming language.
* automatically generates a legend
* supports
o logarithmic axes
o non-numerical tic labels
o different line styles, colors, and thicknesses
o different symbols
o different fonts, font styles, colors, and text orientations
o vertical and horizontal error bars
o vertical, horizontal, and stacked bar charts
* supported devices
o AWT Graphics context
o AWT Graphics2D context (needs Java™ 2 platform)
o Off-Screen image creation (need J2SE 1.4 or higher) (see section 2.5 of the User Guide)
o SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
jCharts is a 100% Java based charting utility that outputs a variety of charts. This package has been designed from the ground up by volunteers for displaying charts via Servlets, JSP's, and Swing apps. First release was in December 2000.