Digital Version of the famous Encyclopédie....
The Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers, par une Société de Gens de lettres was published under the direction of Diderot and d'Alembert, with 17 volumes of text and 11 volumes of plates between 1751 and 1772. Containing 74,000 articles written by more than 130 contributors, the Encyclopédie was a massive reference work for the arts and sciences, as well as a machine de guerre which served to propagate the ideas of the French Enlightenment. The impact of the Encyclopédie was enormous. Through its attempt to classify learning and to open all domains of human activity to its readers, the Encyclopédie gave expression to many of the most important intellectual and social developments of its time.
Aufrührerisches im Lexikon? Heute schwer vorstellbar, wenn der Brockhaus im Schrank verstaubt. Doch als Denis Diderot 1751 seine Encyclopédie beginnt, geht es nicht nur um ein Mammutwerk. Auch an den Zuständen vor der französischen Revolution will er rütteln. So findet sich unter dem Stichwort "Menschenfresser" ein bitterböser Verweis: "Siehe auch Eucharistie, Kommunion, Altar usw."
Von allen Genies der europäischen Aufklärung ist er das kühnste, uns nächste: Denis Diderot. Zum 300. Geburtstag des Philosophen, Satirikers, Visionärs ein Porträt
A story about the Semantic Web Interviews with: Tim Berners-Lee Clay Shirky Chris Dixon David Weinberger Nova Spivack Jason Shellen Lee Feigenbaum John Hebeler Alon Halevy David Karger Abraham Bernstein
In March 1989, Tim Berners-Lee submitted a proposal for an information management system to his boss, Mike Sendall. ‘Vague, but exciting’, were the words that Sendall wrote on the proposal, allowing Berners-Lee to continue.
Annenberg Networks Network Theory Seminar:
It`s not a Web of computers, it`s a Web of People.... Sir Timothy Berners-Lee, the inventor of the Web, is talking about the history of the Web and on the subject of Web Science