The "International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems" (IJCCBS) is a quarterly research journal by Inderscience Publishers. It focuses on engineering and verification of complex computer-based systems (where complex means large, distributed and heterogeneous) in critical applications, with special emphasis on model-based approaches and industrial case-studies. Critical computer-based systems include real-time control, fly/brake-by-wire, on-line transactional and web servers, biomedical apparels, networked devices for telecommunications, environmental monitoring, infrastructure protection, etc.
R. Burns, B. Walsh, S. O’Neill, and C. O’Neill. Health Policy, 108 (2–3):
269-276(2012) (Eurobarometer).
A. Engel. Wiley Series in Systems Engineering and Management Wiley, 1 edition, (2010)Wertvoll wegen den verschiedenen Black-Box-Testing Methoden für komplexe Systeme..
P. Santos-Neto, R. Resende, and C. Pádua. SAC '07: Proceedings of the 2007 ACM symposium on Applied computing, page 1409--1415. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2007)