Selbst vergebene Schlagwörter, Tags, können Internet-Nutzern dabei helfen, Informationen im Web zu ordnen und wiederzufinden. Miteinander verknüpft ergeben die Schlagwörter ein kollektives Begriffsnetzwerk. Informatikern der TU Graz ist es gelungen, einen Lösungsansatz für die Verlinkung dieser Daten zu entwickeln. sprach mit dem Wissensmanagement-Experten Markus Strohmaier über Tagging und wie Internet-Nutzer damit ein "intelligenteres" Web schaffen können.
Using RhNav - Rhizome Navigation I wrote a data aggregator for Technorati's API. The first result is a video which visualizes blog domains by analysing Technorati's Cosmos (the blogs which link to a particular URL). The video is a screencast of RhNav fetc
This article looks at the evolving crop of social bookmarking tools, their functionality and examples of use. The goal is to help nonprofits understand the value of using social bookmarking tools and to determine which social bookmarking tool would best s
This article looks at the evolving crop of social bookmarking tools, their functionality and examples of use. The goal is to help nonprofits understand the value of using social bookmarking tools and to determine which social bookmarking tool would best s is a social event calendar, completely driven by people like you. Manage your events, share events with friends and family, and syndicate your calendar to your own site