Part of the allure of classifying things by assigning tags to them is that the user can give free reign to sloppiness. There is no authority —human or computational— passing judgment on the appropriateness or validity of tags, because tags have to mak
Part of the allure of classifying things by assigning tags to them is that the user can give free reign to sloppiness. There is no authority —human or computational— passing judgment on the appropriateness or validity of tags, because tags have to mak
TagCloud is an automated Folksonomy tool. Essentially, TagCloud searches any number of RSS feeds you specify, extracts keywords from the content and lists them according to prevalence within the RSS feeds.
M. Magableh, A. Cau, H. Zedan, and M. Ward. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conferences Collaborative Technologies 2010 and Web Based Communities 2010, page 178--182. (July 2010)
V. Tanasescu, and O. Streibel. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Emergent Semantics and
Ontology Evolution (ESOE2007) at ISWC/ASWC2007, Busan, South Korea, (November 2007)