This extension adds an extra toolbar to Thunderbird. When you drag a mail folder to it, you get a shortcut to that mail folder (which you can rename). You can also drag messages to this shortcut to move/copy them to the folder. This is handy when you have
Erweiterung, die selbst erstellte Textbausteine in E-Mails über eine Fensterleiste, per Tastenkürzel oder durch Abkürzungen einfügt; in den Textbausteinen können Variablen wie Empfängername, das aktuelle Datum oder der Inhalt der Zwischenablage gese
sucht innerhalb eines ausgewählten Adressbuchs nach Dubletten, also Kontakten, deren Namen oder E-Mail-Adressen identisch oder ähnlich sind. Jedes gefundene Dubletten-Paar wird dem Nutzer angezeigt, der entscheiden kann, wie mit den Kontakten umgegangen
Thunderbird ist schon in der Grundausstattung ein mächtiges Programm. Anspruchsvolle Anwender können den Open-Source-Mail-Client mithilfe von Extensions perfekt auf ihre Bedürfnisse abstimmen. Wir stellen die aus unserer Sicht gelungensten Add-ons vor.
a plugin which allows Thunderbird to interface with Microsoft's mail tools by decoding metadata and attachments encapsulated/embedded in a TNEF encoded attachment (aka winmail.dat)
frei vergebbare schlagwörter im mail-text lösen eine nachfrage "haben Sie an den anhang gedacht?" aus (vgl. auch
This extension allows you to manually sort (order) your folders in the folder pane of Thunderbird or automatically sort them, but in a better way. This extension also allows you to re-order accounts in the folder pane.
Adds keyboard shortcuts to change folder, move/copy messages, with folder name auto-completion (using only the keyboard). Same for tags. Also includes a system of rules to suggest a target folder for saving messages; re-creates Eudora's Alt-Click; facilitates navigation in the 3-pane window; makes it easy to change between To/Bcc/Cc fields in the composer; facilitates tag-oriented operations. All that with the keyboard only!
Gmail's IMAP support roll-out this week had nerds all atwitter about the possibility of synchronized email access across devices, computers, and clients. IMAP is far superior to regular old POP for fetching your messages and maintaining your folder list whether you're on your iPhone, office or home computer. If IMAP's got you curious but you're not sure what desktop application to use with Gmail, consider the extensible, fast, cross-platform and free Mozilla Thunderbird, our beloved Firefox's little sibling. Here's how to get the full Gmail experience in Thunderbird with IMAP.
When you delete or move a message, most e-mail programs ("clients") simply hide the message and mark it as ready for physical deletion later on. The "deleted" messages are still stored in the folder - even emptying the Trash does not remove them. The hidden messages are not physically removed until the folder is compacted (not to be confused with compressing a file). If you don't compact your mail folders periodically, they can grow very large.
COSIMail is an extension for the Email-Client Mozilla-Thunderbird. COSIMail utilizes Semantic Web standards for data represantation and stores Emails in RDF-based Repository using X-Cosim (Cross-Context Semantic Information Management). Conversations, file transfers, tagged Emails etc. are available for other applications.
Quickfile is an extension for Mozilla Thunderbird which initially aimed to speed up filing of messages into your mail folder heirarchy but now includes features for navigation and folder creation...