Faviki is a social bookmarking tool that lets you use Wikipedia concepts as tags. Faviki allows you to keep your own tags and connect them to common, universal concepts from the world's largest collection of knowledge!
This project is some kind of an experiment. The main supposition of the project is that tags specified by blogs' authors in their blog posts are associated between each other. Our tag spider runs over blogs feeds, gathers the set of tags from each blog post and then combines tag pairs from the set of tags. We suppose that pairs of associated tags can have wide applications in science, marketing and IT. We have found several methods of use. Through API you can invent your own methods of use.
turns search results form google, del.icio.us, amazon, yahoo, etc into live running slideshow of websites that are "live" and browsable while the show is running.
Auf Qype kann jeder nach Herzenslust deutschlandweit Dienstleister, Geschäfte und sonstige öffentlichen Orte und Anbieter vorstellen und bewerten. Und auf diesem Wege ganz nebenbei nette Menschen kennen lernen, die ähnliche Interessen haben wie man selbst und wunderbarerweise direkt um die Ecke wohnen.