Viele Neugeborene können nicht klar einem Geschlecht zugeordnet werden. Sie werden als “Intersexuelle” bezeichnet und oft in frühester Kindheit operiert um sie “anzupassen”. Diese Operationen sind meist medizinisch nicht notwendig und werden sta
yment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) by Democratic leadership in the House of Representatives last week. Despite great disapproval and an overwhelming lack of support by LGBT and gender rights activists, a non-inclusive ENDA will go in front of the House
Gender Education and Advocacy (GEA) is a national organization focused on the needs, issues and concerns of gender variant people in human society. We seek to educate and advocate, not only for ourselves and others like us, but for all human beings who su is the web site for Emi Koyama, the activist/author/academic working on intersex, sex workers' rights, (queer) domestic violence, genderqueer, anti-racism, and other issues. Okay, so it's a personal site, but if you are into any of these issue
IFGE advocates for freedom of gender expression. We promote the understanding and acceptance of All People: Transgender, Transsexual, Crossdresser, Agender, Gender Queer, Intersex, Two Spirit, Hijra, Kathoey, Drag King, Drag Queen, Queer, Lesbian, Gay,
The Gendys Network: For all who have encountered gender identity problems personally, transsexuals, transgendered people and gender dysphoric people of either sex, and for those who provide care, both professional and lay.
The numbers of TS/TG staff in individual departments are relatively small and some LGB networks in the civil service will not support TS/TG staff who identify as heterosexual, the issue being one of gender identity and not sexual orientation. This can re
We are a voluntary organisation whose aim is to provide support, advice and information for anyone who knows, or is related to, a transsexual person in the UK.
Press for Change is a political lobbying and educational organisation, which campaigns to achieve equal civil rights and liberties for all trans people in the United Kingdom, through legislation and social change. Parliament This site is here to explain o