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    Uzbl follows the UNIX philosophy - "Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface." Uzbl comes in different flavors: * uzbl-core: main component meant for integration with other tools and scripts o Uses WebkitGtk+ for rendering, network interaction (libsoup). Css, javascript, plugin support etc come for free o Provides interfaces to get data in (commands/configuration) and out (events): stdin/stdout/fifo/unix sockets o You see a webkit view and (optionally) a statusbar which gets popuplated externally o No built-in means for url changing, loading/saving of bookmarks, saving history, keybinds, downloads, ... o Extra functionality: many sample scripts come with it, on uzbl wiki or write them yourself o Entire configuration/state can be changed at runtime o Uzbl keeps it simple, and puts you in charge. * uzbl-browser: a complete browser experience based on uzbl-core o Uses a set of scripts (mostly python) that will fit most people, so things work out of the box. Yet plenty of room for customisation o Brings everything you expect: url changing, history, downloads, form filling, link navigation, cookies, event management etc. However: one page per instance o Advanced, customizable keyboard interface with support for modes, modkeys, multichars, variables (keywords) etc. (eg you can tweak the interface to be vim-like, emacs-like or any-other-program-like) o Adequate default configuration o Focus on plaintext storage for your data and configs in simple, parseable formats and adherence to the xdg basedir spec o Visually, similar to uzbl-core except that the statusbar contains useful things. One window per webpage * uzbl-tabbed: wraps around uzbl-browser and multiplexes it o Spawns one window containing multiple tabs, each tab containing a full embedded uzbl-browser o Ideal as a quick and simple solution to manage multiple uzbl-browser instances without getting lost
    15 years ago by @gresch

    Sanaware Java Docking is a library for managing the windows of a Java Swing application. With the Sanaware Java Docking Framework you can: * Organize the windows of your application in panels, split panes, tabs, lines, grids and floating windows. * Reorganize the windows of your application by drag and drop. * Minimize and maximize your windows. * Save your workspace. * Organize the toolbars, buttons, and actions of your application.
    16 years ago by @gresch


    Buoy is a library for creating user interfaces in Java programs. It is built on top of Swing, but provides a completely new set of classes to represent graphical components. It offers many advantages over using Swing directly, including: * A much simpler, cleaner, and more consistent API * A better mechanism for laying out interface components * A far more powerful event handling mechanism, which is based on dynamic binding of arbitrary methods as event listeners * Built in support for serializing user interfaces as XML, then reconstructing them again Other important features of Buoy include: * It forms a "transparent wrapper" around Swing. It hides the complexity of Swing when you don't want to deal with it, but doesn't get in your way when you actually need that complexity. * It is very small and efficient. The entire compiled library is only 200 K. * It is written entirely in Java, and works on any JVM that is compatible with J2SE 1.4 or later. * All source code is in the public domain.
    16 years ago by @gresch

    Swing Explorer is a tool for Swing developers intended for visual exploring of Swing-based application internals. It finds all windows in explored Swing application and displays their component hierarchies as a tree. Each component in the tree can be displayed in the Swing Explorer's work area and visually inspected. Swing Explorer helps to determine sub-components when user moves mouse over them and provides additional information about currently selected component (layout, size, coordinates, border and other things). Additionally it allows to view basic graphical operations used to draw swing components like DebugGraphics does, but in more convenient way.
    16 years ago by @gresch

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