The Army has outlined draft objectives for a range of Robotic Combat Vehicles, from an expendable light scout armed with a single anti-tank missile to a 30-ton unmanned tank as tough as the 70-ton M1 Abrams.
The US Army for the first time caught and recovered Area-I Altius “air-launched effects” drones in midair using a quadcopter during Project Convergence exercises in August and September.
The combination of authorities and a newly built headquarters will allow Army Cyber Command a greater ability to conduct offensive and influence operations.
Erst vor wenigen Wochen wurde das System Smart Shooter durch die U.S. Army offiziell zur Drohnenabwehr (Counter-UAV; C-UAV) zertifiziert. Jetzt wurde es als mögliche Lösung für ein Arbeitsprogramm der NATO zur Verteidigung gegen den Terrorismus (Defense Against Terrorism Program of Work – DAT PoW) in Betracht gezogen.
An Army assessment has narrowed down the number of counter-drone systems that will continue receiving investment from the joint force as the Pentagon looks to reduce redundancy.
Manned-unmanned teaming (MUM-T) operations combine the strengths of each platform to increase situational awareness, allowing the armed forces to conduct operations that include combat support and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions.
The U.S. Army wants future armored vehicles to instantly make decisions about terrain navigation, target identification, incoming enemy fire, and force positions and warfare strategy. In fact, the military wants this to happen in a matter of seconds and all without every nuance needing to be controlled or micro-managed by humans. It is a known and often discussed concept, rapidly gaining traction as new technology continues to emerge at rocket speed.
Technologien aus Kampfflugzeugen können für Handwaffen genutzt werden. Eine neue Feuerleitvisier-Produktreihe macht diese Technologie jetzt verfügbar. Ursprünglich wurde es zur Abwehr brennender Flugdrachen entwickelt, mit der Terroristen Felder in Brand stecken.