Murray: CIA used Uzbek torture to create false intelligence; support for regime continues Craig Murray is a British political activist, former ambassador to Uzbekistan and current Rector of the University of Dundee. The Real News Network
Feffer 23.12. jämför Obama med Nixon. Å ena sidan START, vapenkontroll och (eventuellt) nedrustning. Å andra sidan krig och imperialism. "This bifocal view of Richard Nixon reveals one of the great paradoxes of the U.S. peace movement. Peace activists div
Wallerstein:" The United States today is, I would say, one of the least stable political entities in the world-system... there is a major drop in the belief in the United States, and its president, by traditional U.S. allies abroad, and by the president's Commentary No. 345, Jan. 15, 2013"The Structural Crisis: Middle-Run Imponderables": "Nuclear weapons are essentially defensive weapons and therefore reduce, not increase, the likelihood of interstate wars."