Victoria Nuland played a significant role in the U.S. foreign policy, particularly concerning Russia, Ukraine, and the countries of the former Soviet Union. Nuland participated in negotiations between Russia and NATO in the '90s, as well as in talks between Russia and Ukraine in 2016 and 2022. She recently left the State Department, so now she can share a lot of new insights.
Strobe Talbott , 18 Jan. 2019: Whether he knows it or not, Trump is integral to Putin’s strategy to strengthen authoritarian regimes and undermine democracies around the world. This unprecedented aberration defiles what America stands for at home and abroad; it alienates and dispirits our allies; and—if it is allowed to persist—it will jeopardize our security.
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William Perry on Stanford Uni Blog 15.8.2015
"On my seventeenth birthday in October 1944, I drove to Pittsburgh, passed the exams for the Army Air Cadet program, and was sworn in, but months later the Air Cadet program was discontinued. After completing a few semesters of college, I enlisted in the Army Engineers. The army trained me in map-making and assigned me to the Army of Occupation of Japan, where I was sent to a base outside Tokyo for training."
"William J. Perry was the 19th Secretary of Defense for the United States from February 1994 to January 1997. He previously served as Deputy Secretary of Defense and as Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. He is the Michael and Barbara Berberian Professor (emeritus) at Stanford University and author of My Journey at the Nuclear Brink."
February 2, 1998 National Press Club nuclear abolition, deterrence
Retired General Lee Butler was the first U.S. commander of U.S. nuclear forces to ever call for their abolition. He talked about his place in the U.S. strategic planning for nuclear war and then described his abhorrence of using nuclear weapons and the effects of such use. He felt that the U.S. should use its powerful place in the world to set the example for abolishing nuclear weapons. After his prepared remarks he took questions from the audience.
InformationXanthe Hall, Juliane Hauschulz, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung aug -24
Neue Atomraketen sollen nach aktueller Planung nicht in Deutschland stationiert werden. Allerdings parallel zu dieser Entwicklung sieht die nukleare Teilhabe der NATO vor, dass die bisher in Deutschland stationierten, alten Atombomben durch die neuen B61-12 Atomwaffen ersetzt werden. Die Stationierung der neuen konventionellen Waffensysteme ist jedoch ein weiterer Schritt im aktuellen Rüstungswettlauf und erhöht das nukleare Risiko. Denn sowohl die Tomahawks als auch die Hyperschallwaffen könnten tief in russisches Staatsgebiet eindringen und nukleare Infrastruktur oder Teile des russischen Atomwaffenarsenals angreifen. Die Vorwarnzeiten schrumpfen bei dem Einsatz von Hyperschallraketen, sodass Entscheidungen innerhalb von Minuten getroffen werden müssen. Im schlimmsten Fall kann das zu einer „Use them or lose them“-Situation führen, in der die Entscheidung getroffen wird, das eigene nukleare Arsenal abzufeuern, bevor es von der gegnerischen Seite in einem Erstschlag zerstört wird. Damit wird die Gefahr von katastrophalen Missverständnissen und Fehlkalkulationen erhöht. Ein solches Szenario mag momentan noch weit entfernt erscheinen, doch die angekündigte Stationierung der neuen Waffensysteme bringt uns dieser Bedrohung ein gutes Stück näher.
"unionization risk score based on such criteria as [...] racial diversity. [...] stores with low[!] racial and ethnic diversity, especially those located in poor communities, are more likely to unionize."
"individuals in more ethnically fragmented societies, participate less in [...] unions", "more diverse establishments are less likely to see successful organizing attempts ->
By WARWICK POWELL | China Daily Global | Updated: 2024-07-29
The ongoing chaos that seems to be the defining characteristic of US domestic politics sets the backdrop for the attempts of the United States to reassert its hegemony across the world through the global expansion of NATO. US political chaos reflects a political economy that is failing to meet the aspirations of the US people, let alone enable the US to recover its position as the unparalleled global military hegemon.
"As a result of investments made under the Obama, Trump and Biden administrations, NNSA was able to deliver more than 200 upgraded nuclear weapons to the Department of Defense last year. This is our largest delivery in one year since the end of the Cold War," Jill Hruby, administrator of the National Nuclear Safety Administration (NNSA), said at the breakfast of the National Institute for Deterrence Studies "Peace through Strength."
The requirements for a quality management system are outlined in the international standard ISO 9001. It is a component of the ISO 9000 family of standards, which addresses many facets of quality control.
With a focus on process improvement, the standard seeks to improve customer satisfaction by ensuring consistent delivery of goods and services
Being certified ISO 9001:2015 is one method to show your dedication to quality management. Organizations may increase customer
satisfaction, streamline processes, and manage risk better with the aid of this globally recognized standard.
The cost is a common problem for organizations who are thinking about obtaining this certification, though. To help prospective applicants better understand the
factors influencing the cost of ISO 9001:2015 certification in the US, we will examine the various components in this post.
By Jonathan Turley (Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University.)
I hope that our readers have read the response of NewsGuard's Gordon Crovitz to my recent criticism of the company's rating system for news sites. He makes important points, including the fact that the company has given high ratings to conservative sites and low ratings to some liberal sites. I have mutual friends of both…
I am particularly concerned over the reported government contracts given to NewsGuard by the Biden Administration as well as agreements with teacher unions to help filter or rate sites. The Twitter Files have shown an extensive system of funding and coordination between agencies and these companies. The funding of such private rating or targeting operations is precisely what I have warned about in congressional testimony as a type of “censorship by surrogate.” The government has been attempting to achieve forms of censorship indirectly that it is barred from achieving directly under the First Amendment.
Speech by Sevim Dagdelen, Member of the German Bundestag at
„No to NATO – Yes to Peace“-rally in Washington DC on July 7th 2024.
"In fact, Germany is the second most important arms supplier for Israel after the USA. From 2019 to 2023, 30 percent of weapons came from Germany. In 2023, the figure was 47 percent while the USA supplied 53 percent. I think that is irresponsible and a shame to send weapons to an ongoing war."
Jasmine Owens. The link between colonialism, exploitation, and nuclear weapons is seen most clearly in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. "Eighty percent of the uranium used in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs originated from the Shinkolobwe mine in the Belgian Congo, now known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Throughout the 1940s and 1950s, the Congo was the number one supplier of uranium to the U.S., and the people of the DRC paid a heavy price."
Rejecting calls for him to step aside, Biden defended his determination to remain in the race by using one of his favorite foreign policy talking points, the conceit that America is the indispensable or essential nation. Building on the idea expressed by then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright a quarter century ago, the president said, “You know, not only am I campaigning, but I'm running the world. Not — and that's not hy — sounds like hyperbole, but we are the essential nation of the world. Madeleine Albright was right.”
Mein Roman »Frankie« wurde zum internationalen Bestseller. Jetzt sollte er auch in den USA erscheinen. Stattdessen geriet ich in einen absurden Kulturkampf um Wörter, der mich an die DDR erinnert.
The Hill, by Jeffrey Sachs, opinion contributor - 06/27/24
Sachs is University Professor at Columbia University. He advised Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, Russian President Boris Yeltsin and Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma.
Anduril's Manifesto: "Since World War II, America and its allies’ lead in military technology has been the pivotal factor in preventing World War III. The incumbent defense companies are unable to build the technology we…"
Young, hot upstarts want to shorten the kill chain with AI weapons
William Hartung
Jul 03, 2024 [earlier: ]]
...the approach advocated by Brose and his acolytes is going to make war more likely as technological hubris instills a belief that the United States can indeed “beat” a rival nuclear-armed power like China in a conflict, if only we invest in a nimble new high-tech force.
Is de-dollarization finally here? (Juni 2024) "A Russian commodities exporter told Reuters: "We don't care, we have yuan." According to the report, China's yuan has ousted the dollar to become MOEX's most traded currency, accounting for 53.6% of all foreign currency traded in May."
Will America and China heed the warnings of twentieth-century catastrophe?
Kirj. Odd Arne Westad, "Odd Arne Westad (s. 5. tammikuuta 1960 Ålesund, Norja) on norjalainen historioitsija. Hän on erikoistunut poliittiseen historiaan. Hän on julkaissut tutkimuksia Kiinan historiasta ja kylmän sodan historiasta. Westad on toiminut historian professorina Yalen yliopistossa vuodesta 2019 lähtien
In den USA ist ein «Agentengesetz» schon lange in Kraft. Das Gesetz über ausländische Agentenregistrierung (Foreign Agents Registration Act, FARA) schreibt eine Meldepflicht vor. Wenn eine Organisation als «ausländische Agentin» im Sinne von FARA betrachtet wird, muss sie sich registrieren lassen und regelmässige Berichte über ihre Aktivitäten und Finanzierungen vorlegen. Dies dient der Transparenz und der Vermeidung von unlauteren Einflussnahmen aus dem Ausland.
Foreign Affairs: A Hidden History of Diplomacy That Came Up Short—but Holds Lessons for Future Negotiations
By Samuel Charap and Sergey Radchenko
April 16, 2024
CNN 31.3.24 video Annelle Sheline, who served as a foreign affairs officer at the Office of Near Eastern Affairs in the Department of State's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, explains her decision to resign from the Department based on the US response to the war in Gaza.
Popular resistance , March 24, 2024
FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals For Sanity
SUBJECT: On The Brink Of Nuclear War
The narrative often emphasizes a minimal footprint, yet the existence of approximately 60 bases, including 13 drone bases, paints a different picture. #WorldBEYONDWar
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Among the young, social media, gaming and “rough sex” may contribute to this trend---Minskningarna "är inte triviala", som författarna skrev i studien, som publicerades den 19 november i Archives of Sexual Behavior. Mellan 2009 och 2018 ökade andelen ungdomar som inte rapporterade någon sexuell aktivitet, varken ensam eller med partners, från 28,8 procent till 44,2 procent bland unga män och från 49,5 procent 2009 till 74 procent bland unga kvinnor. Forskarna fick den självrapporterade informationen från National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior och använde svar från 4 155 personer år 2009 och 4 547 personer år 2018. De som svarade på den konfidentiella undersökningen var mellan 14 och 49 år gamla.
1. Columbia University
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George Beebe I referat av en podcast) : "We have to negotiate for an all-new security system for Europe, taking into account all sides of this problem. Russia does not feel itself to be secure. And we can laugh about this and say that we never had an aggressive approach towards Russia, but Russians think so. And they are ready to kill for..."
The Defense Department's Large Scale Global Exercise 2024 begins this month with goals of strengthening allied interoperability through demonstrations of joint military cooperation across branches and nations.
Released On: 12 Feb 2024
Stephen Sackur is in New York City to speak to Cornel West, the high-profile philosopher, writer and activist who has launched his own bid for the White House. Running as independent, he looks unlikely to win but could this anti-war socialist take enough votes from Joe Biden to help Donald Trump get elected a second time?
Alternative candidate Dr. Cornel West recently said on BBC Hard Talk: “When I look at Trump, I see civil war number two. When I look at Biden, I see world war number three.”
Amber A’Lee Frost
Jacobin, Januari 2024: Om tonårstidningen Teen Vogue som läses av mer än 8 miljoner: "Även om de exakta siffrorna är omtvistade är en sak helt klar: långt fler vuxna - mestadels millenniegenerationen, även när vi är på väg in i medelåldern - läser tonårstidningen som kallar sig "den unga människans guide till att erövra (och rädda) världen" än tonåringar."
"Most damningly, just 1.7 percent of their May 2018 audience was 17 or younger. Only 2.6 percent were 18 to 24 years old. At the absolute most generous estimate, in Teen Vogue’s digital audience — the only audience they still have after they shelved their print edition with a final copy featuring Hillary Clinton on the cover — 1 in 20 readers is an actual teenager."
The United States Air Force has successfully tested its first prototype hypersonic missile, the AGM-183A Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon, or ARRW.
"By Brett Tingleyn published December 13, 2022
The exact speed of the AGM-183A isn't known, although some have alleged it might reach Mach 20.
Jacobin, Burgis: This electoral cycle, the Right has been talking nonstop about “the border,” painting an apocalyptic picture of an immigrant invasion threatening to plunge America into chaos. In the process, they’re revealing themselves as scapegoating pseudo-populists.
The group — calling itself Feds United for Peace — consists of dozens of government employees who will be observing a “Day of Mourning” [Tuesday 16.1.24] to mark 100 days of Israel’s military campaign in Gaza. The organizers, who are choosing to remain anonymous, say they expect “easily hundreds” of others to join in their walkout after securing commitments from individuals at 22 federal agencies.
The $1.5 trillion in military outlays each year is the scam that keeps on giving—to the military-industrial complex and the Washington insiders—even as it impoverishes and endangers America and the world.
dansk TV2 24.5.22 Øvelsen på Bornholm er et udtryk for, at Danmark tænker militærstrategi og sikkerhedspolitik på en ny måde, siger direktør for Bornholms Museum.
TV 2s forsvarskorrespondent, Anders Lomholt, er taget til Bornholm for at følge tirsdagens øvelse, og han beskriver, hvordan den fredelige lufthavn i Rønne i dag bliver omdannet til et militært område.
Mit einem im rheinland-pfälzischen Ramstein stationierten Weltraumkommando für Europa und Afrika rüstet sich das US-Militär für Konflikte im All. Steven Basham, stellvertretender Befehlshaber United States European Command, spricht bei der Zeremonie zur Aktivierung des Kommandos der US Space Forces für Europa und Afrika auf der US-Airbase Ramstein. (Foto: dpa)
Lesen Sie in diesem Artikel:
Was das Kommando leisten soll
Warum die US-Streitkräfte sich auf Konflikte im All vorbereiten
Wer damit droht, US-Satelliten als legitime Angriffsziele anzusehen
Artikel ist nur für Abonnenten verfügbar
Newsweek 29.11.23: A new nuclear warhead has been approved and cleared for use in a variety of U.S. aircraft, notably the B-2A Spirit bomber. The warhead is part of continuing efforts to modernize the nation's nuclear stockpile for military use.
Spirit will be the first domestic combat aircraft to employ the B61-12 nuclear bomb, unveiled Monday as part of the 335-page unclassified Stockpile Stewardship and Management Plan (SSMP), a report for the 2024 fiscal year by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). The latter works within the Department of Energy (DOE) and designs, produces, delivers and certifies the nation's nuclear stockpile for military operation.
In October, the House of Representatives approved a resolution to increase defense spending in fiscal year 2024 by about $1.11 billion over the current fiscal year—including $19.114 billion for the continued modernization of the nation's nuclear weapons stockpile and infrastructure and $1.946 billion for naval warships.
Far From Over, Post-9/11 Wars Continue in 78 Countries Under President Biden
The Costs of War Project is a team of 35 scholars, legal experts, human rights practitioners, and physicians, which began its work in 2011
Reuters The United States vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution on Wednesday [18.10.23] that would have called for humanitarian pauses in the conflict between Israel and Palestinian Hamas militants to allow humanitarian aid access to the Gaza Strip.
T. Dovramadjiev, D. Pavlova, und J. Radeva. AHFE (5), Volume 263 von Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Seite 203-210. Springer, (2021)Cite this paper Dovramadjiev, T., Pavlova, D., Radeva, J. (2021). Information and Communication Technology Application in Healthcare with Computer-Aided Design of Immediate Partial Dentures. In: Kalra, J., Lightner, N.J., Taiar, R. (eds) Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare and Medical Devices. AHFE 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 263. Springer, Cham.