The first part of the visual git tutorial explains how to locally track project files with the git version control system. It shows how to add and commit changes, how to browse the history, revert changes and how to work with tags and branches.
iston eases your vendor branch management worries. A vendor branch is when you copy a vendor's code (plugins, gems, etc) inside your own repository / project.
What are the advantages of doing that?
* You don't depend on another repository to deploy to your staging or production machines;
* You are insulated from upstream changes, until you really want those changes and have a chance to test them;
* Piston allows you to apply local patches to your vendor code, until the upstream maintainers have applied them.
monotone is a free distributed version control system. it provides a simple, single-file transactional version store, with fully disconnected operation and an efficient peer-to-peer synchronization protocol. it understands history-sensitive merging, lightweight branches, integrated code review and 3rd party testing. it uses cryptographic version naming and client-side RSA certificates. it has good internationalization support, has no external dependencies, runs on linux, solaris, OSX, windows, and other unixes, and is licensed under the GNU GPL.
Codeville is a distributed version control system. It began with a novel idea for a merge algorithm and has grown from there. It is designed to be easy to use and scale from small personal projects to very large distributed ones.
T. Zimmermann, and P. Weißgerber. Proc. Int'l Workshop on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), page 2-6. Los Alamitos CA, IEEE Computer Society Press, (2004)
T. Zimmermann, and P. Weißgerber. Proc. Int'l Workshop on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), page 2-6. Los Alamitos CA, IEEE Computer Society Press, (2004)