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    TailMe is an utility providing functions similar to the UNIX/Linux command "tail": it lists the last changed lines/characters in a text file. You can always see changes taking place in the file on the fly. It is very usefull for monitoring log files of applications - e.g. Apache's error.log and access.log. Screenshot TailMe can monitor several log files at the same time and provides a more expressive output than console"tail" programs can do. Functions: o add/remove monitor files at runtime o automatic purge of text buffer o resizeable monitor windows o possibility to minimize TailMe into the system tray o lines with special (user-defined) key words are written in different colors o shrinked log files are symbolized with a horizontal line o stop/continue monitoring via double click in the window area of the corresponding monitor file o list of "recent files" is available and saved in the INI file o drag&drop of files from the Explorer
    15 years ago by @gresch
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