CDF Services for Internet Retailers
As the largest Book wholesaler in the world and the fastest-growing DVD and Music distributor in the United States, Baker & Taylor is your first call for website fulfillment. Baker & Taylor has been an integral part of the internet bookselling business since its inception and offers the most sophisticated infrastructure and CDF systems to all of our internet retail customers. We are dedicated to helping Internet Retailers capitalize on emerging business opportunities by providing behind-the-scenes, back room operations to complement your company's front-end sales and online marketing presence.
RT @VincentR Social nerworking sites and the production of social capital: looks good (via @memeticbrand) [from]
EditGrid APIs allows programmatic access of EditGrid spreadsheets and services. It consists of Web API and Grid API.
* Web API is an API for controlling and manipulating the data in EditGrid. It supports two modes of operations: REST and SOAP, which means you can adopt the API very easily no matter you're using scripting languages like PHP and Perl, or more heavy duty platforms like Java and .NET.
* Grid API is a JavaScript-based API. It allows you to instantiate EditGrid's grid as a JavaScript object and add it to your web application. By doing so, you can wire your code with the grid, customize its functionality, and connect your application logic with it in great flexibility.
Besides the APIs, a lot of EditGrid features are developed with developers in mind, we support:
* JSONP Pure JavaScript approach to load spreadsheet data to your website without writing a single line of backend code.
* My Data Format Transform the spreadsheet XML export to any format through your custom stylesheet.
* Permalinks Allow you to retrieve data or access to export format right in the URL.
Welcome to Citeline, a service to facilitate the web publishing of bibliographies and citation collections as interactive exhibits and facilitate the sharing of this type of data.
The Tabulator project is a generic data browser and editor. Using outline and table modes, it provides a way to browse RDF data on the web. RDF is the standard for inter-application data exchange
Amazon S3 is storage for the Internet. It is designed to make web-scale computing easier for developers.
Amazon S3 provides a simple web services interface that can be used to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web. It gives any developer access to the same highly scalable, reliable, fast, inexpensive data storage infrastructure that Amazon uses to run its own global network of web sites. The service aims to maximize benefits of scale and to pass those benefits on to developers.