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    Membrane SOA Registry is an open source Web Services Registry providing: * Availability and performance monitoring * Monitoring of WSDL changes and versioning * A generic Web Services client for testing * A Web Service lifetime history * Alerting over an Atom newsfeed * Web 2.0 features like tagging and rating * Dependency Management * Reporting * Endpoint Management The Registry is leightweight and can be installed in less than 5 minutes. Organisations are using increasingly Web Services and are getting more and more dependent on these services. To minimize risks and to streamline the development and use of services SOA governance should be applied. A lot of SOA experts believe a registry is complicated to install and to maintain. Membrane registry is different: it can be installed in minutes and it gathers valuable information of your SOA by monitoring and analysing existing artifacts like WSDL documents and XML schemas.
    14 years ago by @gresch
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