Jersey 1.0 is an open-source, production-ready reference implementation of JAX-RS, the Java API for RESTful Web Services (JSR-311). Jersey makes it easy to create RESTful web services in Java.
In an earlier Tech Tip, Implementing RESTful Web Services in Java, Paul Sandoz and I introduced RESTful Web Services, JAX-RS, and Jersey, and showed how to write RESTful web services in Java that conform to the JAX-RS specification. In this tip you will learn how to configure data in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) using Jersey 1.0. JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format that is based on the object notation of the JavaScript language. Because of it's simple text format, JSON provides a good alternative to other data interchange formats such as XML and is particularly attractive as a data interchange format for RESTful web services.
In this tip you will build a Jersey-based web application that provides information about printer status. The application returns the information in JSON format. To build the application, you will use the Maven 2 software project management tool. For more information about Maven, see Welcome to Maven and Building Web Applications with Maven 2.
This project started from my frustration that I could not find any simple, portable XML Parser to use inside my tools (see CONDOR for example). Let's look at the well-known Xerces C++ library: the complete Xerces project is 53 MB! (11 MB compressed in a zipfile). I am currently developping many small tools. I am using XML as standard for all my input /ouput configuration and data files. The source code of my small tools is usually around 600KB.
There are a number of open-source unit testing tools available. So why another one?
Well, this one addresses a specific need - an easy way to test XML-based servers. If you have a server that communicates with clients via XML messages, you can end up putting a lot of effort into using one of the unit-testing frameworks to test all the messages. Just think of all the code needed to set up communications, construct messages, and verify responses.
A simple alternative is to document XML messages and expected responses, without having to write any code. Let XmlMessageTest send each XML message to the server, verify returned messages against expected results, and produce a simple report of test results.
XmlMessageTest is written in Java and should be able to run any Java-enabled platform. It's been tested on Windows XP and Linux. It can be easily integrated into your build process.
Altova SemanticWorks™ 2007 is the ground-breaking visual RDF/OWL editor from the creators of XMLSpy. Visually design Semantic Web instance documents, vocabularies, and ontologies then output them in either RDF/XML or N-triples formats. SemanticWorks™
One night five developers, all of whom wore very thick glasses and had recently been hired by Elephants, Inc., the world’s largest purveyor of elephants and elephant supplies, were familiarizing themselves with the company’s order processing system wh