
1 Chinese credit rating agency Dagong has downgraded U.S. debt from A to A- #2 China's recent currency swap agreement with the eurozone... will result in a lot less U.S. dollars being used in trade between China and Europe... #3 Currency swap agreement with UK last June #4 The exposure to the 1.3 trillion dollar debt is becoming a major e internal issue #5 Govt adviser Mei Xinyu's warning that China may decide to completely stop buying U.S. Treasury bonds #6 China's State Administration of Foreign Exchange is looking to diversify into real estate investments in Europe #7 Xinhua has called for a "de-Americanized world" #8 and said that the debt deal "was no more than prolonging the fuse of the U.S. debt bomb one inch longer." #9 China is the largest producer of gold in the world, and it has also been importing an absolutely massive amount of gold ... the Chinese appear to be accelerating their gold buying.




  • @mikaelbook

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