
Manuscript Guidelines Journals, Academic Books & Online Media | Springer


Preparing a Book Manuscript There are several types of book production, each of which varies in publication time and the degree of author/editor preparation. Consult with your editor about which method of production best suits your project.

Manuscript Preparation in Word A document template has been prepared by Springer for use with Word 2000 or 2003. Predefined style formats are available for all the types of content that are part of the manuscript, and these formats can be easily accessed via hotkeys or special toolbars.

Please download the ZIP file onto your PC and read the instructions.

Author instructions (pdf, 199 Kb) Word template for preparing book manuscripts (zip, 553 Kb) Manuscript Preparation in LaTeX Springer has developed LaTeX2e macro packages for different book types: svmult.cls for contributed books and svmono.cls for monograph type books.




  • @pitman

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