
Braitenberg vehicles are simple automatons proposed by the German cyberneticist V Braitenberg to illustrate the abilities of reactive agents, thus representing the simplest form of behavior based artificial intelligence or embodied cognition, i.e. intelligent behavior that emerges purely from sensorimotor interaction between the agent and its environment, without any need for an internal memory, representation of the environment, or inference. A Braitenberg vehicle is an automaton that can autonomously move around. It has primitive light sensors and wheels (each driven by its own motor) that function as actuators or effectors. A sensor is directly connected to an effector, so that a sensed signal immediately produces a movement of the wheel. Depending on how sensors and wheels are connected, the vehicle exhibits different, goal-oriented behaviors. This means that it appears to strive to achieve certain situations and to avoid others, changing course when the situation changes.




  • @draganigajic

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