
Commercial Digital Mathematics Library


This table contains DML bibliographic items from various repositories. # # Coding is as follows: # ASCII based (ISO Latin 8859-1 extended) # Every line starting with a '#' is a comment # # the list of items from any repository is preceded by lines like the following: # # nick: <repository nickname, usually short or acronym> # name: <repository name> # addr: <repository web address> # comm: <any comment concerning the actual repository # # After that, the bibliographic items of that repository are described by: # # item_title: <name or title of item> # item_years: <year(s) published or covered> # item_url: <web address of content page> # item_type: <journal|multivol|book> # (possibly other colon separated pairs, first component should begin with "item_") # item_end: <optionally some comment like a counting number...> # This last line ends any item entry. # # Some items do contain commented metadata for later use. # # comment lines like #--------------------------- or similar # could separate entries from different repositories




  • @pitman

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