
Evocosm: A C++ Framework for Evolutionary Computing


Evocosm is a set of classes that abstract the fundamental components of an evolutionary algorithm. I'll list the components here with a bit of introduction; you can review the details of the classes by downloading the code archives or by reviewing the online documentation (see the menu at the article's beginning for code and documentation links.) All class documentation was generated from source code comments using doxygen. These docs have not been thoroughly proofread, so they may contain a few typos and minor errors. Self-publishing has taught me the value of a good proofreader... ;} Evolutionary algorithms come in a variety of shapes and flavors, but at their core, they all share certain characteristics: populations that reproduce and mutate through a series of generations, producing future generations based on some measure of fitness. An amazing variety of algorithms can be built on that general framework, which leads me to construct a set of core classes as the basis for future applications.


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  • @thorade

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