
QALab - Statistics for your Build - QALab - Introduction


This project collects and consolidates data from several QA tools and keeps track of them overtime. This allows developers, architects and project managers alike to be presented with a trend of the QA statistics of their project.

The following tools are currently supported:

* Checkstyle: code style validation and design checks. QALab keeps track of number of violations per file and overall.
* PMD: Code checks (possible bugs, dead code, sub-optimal code, etc). QALab keeps track of number of violations per file and overall.
* PMD CPD: Duplicate code (always a bad idea) detection. QALab keeps track of number of the overall number of duplicated lines.
* FindBugs: fantastic tool to detect potential bugs (really!). QALab keeps track of number of violations per file and overall.
* Cobertura: Coverage tool. QALab keeps track of percentage of branch and line coverage.
* Simian: excellent duplicate code detection (non-open source). QALab keeps track of number of the overall number of duplicated lines.




  • @gresch

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