
IceScrum - Your open source agile tool


IceScrum is an J2EE application for using Scrum while keeping the spirit of a collaborative workspace. It also offers virtual boards with post-its for sprint backlog, product backlog and others.

The tool offers everything that is in Scrum :


  The role management: Product Owner, ScrumMaster, Team member and StakeHolder

  The product backlog management with advanced features for prioritizing stories

  Scrum lifecycle including a roadmap view

  Release planning

  Sprint backlog, as a task board facilitating the Scrum ceremonial

  Management of impediments

  Chart production such as burndown charts, velocity charts, cumulative flow diagram

Icescrum offers others agile practices like :

* Roadmap
* Vision
* Features
* User stories
* Acceptance tests associated to stories
* User roles
* Planning poker




  • @gresch

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