
100 Illustrated Horror Film Posters: Part 1 // WellMedicated


For some, Halloween means costume parties and drunken debauchery. That’s never really been my style. Personally, I like to spend my Halloween evenings eating candy and watching scary movies. Yeah, I’m a nerd - I know. This Halloween season has had me reminiscing of the brilliant horror and sci-fi movie posters of years past. Particularly, I am a fan of the illustrated posters that used to be the staple of nearly every science fiction and horror film released. These posters are able to communicate so much about a film with a single, masterfully created image that it’s a shame this style isn’t so popular nowadays. Since there were so many amazing posters to showcase, I have split this post into two parts. Part two will be posted on October 31st. But for now, you may feast on the first half.




  • @zettel

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