
Data Pipeline Design Patterns - #2. Coding patterns in Python · Start Data Engineering


As data engineers, you might have heard the terms functional data pipeline, factory pattern, singleton pattern, etc. One can quickly look up the implementation, but it can be tricky to understand what they are precisely and when to (& when not to) use them. Blindly following a pattern can help in some cases, but not knowing the caveats of a design will lead to hard-to-maintain and brittle code! While writing clean and easy-to-read code takes years of experience, you can accelerate that by understanding the nuances and reasoning behind each pattern. Imagine being able to design an implementation that provides the best extensibility and maintainability! Your colleagues (& future self) will be extremely grateful, your feature delivery speed will increase, and your boss will highly value your opinion. In this post, we will go over the specific code design patterns used for data pipelines, when and why to use them, and when not to use them, and we will also go over a few python specific techniques to help you write better pipelines. By the end of this post, you will be able to identify patterns in your data pipelines and apply the appropriate code design patterns. You will also be able to take advantage of pythonic features to write bug-free, maintainable code that is a joy to work on!




  • @ghagerer

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