REVTeX 4 is a set of macro packages designed to be used with LaTeX 2e. REVTeX is well-suited for preparing manuscripts for submission to APS journals.
The following design principles pertain to REVTeX 4:
* REVTeX 4 is fully compatible with LaTeX2e.
* Relaxed restrictions when used to directly typeset journals;
* Relies on standard LaTeX2e packages for common tasks. Examples are graphics/graphicx, color, hyperref, longtable etc;
* Emphasizes creating macros to make translation to XML easier;
* Provides better support for achieving the Physical Review look and feel;
* Improved front matter macros for tagging author names and affiliations;
* Improved back matter macros for tagging references. Actively promoted the use of BibTeX;
* New features to make REVTeX a desirable e-print format.
The latest tagging is designed to aid the peer-review and publication process from the moment a REVTeX paper is submitted.