
Corbyn suffers blow as Trident vote is rejected at party conference | Politics | The Guardian


New Labour leader embarrassed as key poll is dismissed and senior figures describe his conference debut as chaotic and confusing. "John Woodcock, the Labour MP for Barrow and Furness, where replacement Trident submarines would be built, welcomed the result. Woodcock, who backed Liz Kendall in the leadership contest, said: “It is good that Labour members have rejected the CND left’s plan to prioritise returning the party to the days of 1980s unilateral nuclear disarmament. This is a welcome sign that many rank-and-file Labour supporters want to keep us focused on the immediate concerns of the public rather than re-running old battles that risk splitting Labour apart.”" "This suggests Trident will be renewed when MPs are asked to vote on the “maingate” decision next summer, possibly in June. The combination of centre-ground Labour figures such as Watson and Benn and the vast bulk of Conservative MPs would provide enough votes to defeat Corbyn if he joins forces with the SNP’s 56 MPs to oppose Trident."




  • @mikaelbook

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