
Is U.S. Going to Attack Syria Again? Russia Thinks So and It's Getting Ready for Action


Newsweek, 27 Aug, 2018, The U.S. has twice attacked Syrian in response to reports of chemical weapons attacks, but Russia says the events were staged. "The United States keeps building up the cruise missile carriers group in the Middle East as part of preparations for another provocation in Idlib Province to be presented as an alleged use of chemical weapons," Russian Defense Ministry spokesperson General Igor Konashenkov told media outlets, according to the state-run Tass Russian News Agency.

Pointing a finger toward alleged Western backing for the jihadi coalition that dominates Idlib, Konashenkov said "these preparations are fresh confirmation of U.S. intentions to use as a pretext a likely simulation of the government forces’ chemical attack, which Hayat Tahrir al-Sham militants are plotting with active support from British secret services."




  • @mikaelbook

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