Press Release:OCLC and EBSCO to enhance discovery services through data exchange. OCLC and EBSCO Publishing have expanded their partnership to enhance the discovery experience for users of WorldCat Local and the EBSCO Discovery Service through an expanded data exchange agreement. The new agreement will create more value for libraries that subscribe to services from OCLC and EBSCO.
"Libraries were once the center of the information universe. Fifteen years ago, if I had told you about the coming internet, you would have assumed that libraries would have a prominent place on it. They don't.
Libraries, including WorldCat, rarely show up in web searches, even for books. I lay the blame squarely at the wrong-headed decision to keep library data off the "real web" and to push WorldCat as a "aggregation point" for nobody.
Keynote presentation at the North Atlantic Health Science Library meeting, October 26, 2009.
An introduction to semantic web technologies and their relationship to libraries and bibliographic data.
A. Pohl. Bibliotheksdienst, 43 (3):
274--290(марта 2009)The article gives an overview over the background, genesis, content and critic of OCLC's proposed metadata policy for WorldCat records. In the end it poses questions for an approach on licensing bibliographic data in germany..