There’s a confusing array of options available for converting HTML to PDF. Which is the best for your app? This article reviews the most popular options.
The topic of how accessible it is for newbies and seasoned developers alike to learn CSS has been gaining steam as the complexity of the tools around it
With 51 workshops, 1428 accepted papers, and 13k attendees, saying that NeurIPS is overwhelming is an understatement. I did my best to summarize the key tren...
Disclaimer: This post doesn’t reflect the view of any of the organizations I’m associated with and is probably peppered with my personal and institutional bi...
A minimal surface is the surface of minimal area between any given boundaries. In nature such shapes result from an equilibrium of homogeneous tension, e.g. in a soap film. Minimal surfaces have a constant mean curvature of zero, i.e. the sum of the principal curvatures at each point is zero. Particularly fascinating are minimal surfaces…
Overview Threads and locks are a software-defined formalization of the hardware underneath, and as such comprise the simplest possible concurrency model. It forms the basis of other concurrency abstractions built on top of it, so it’s important to understand in this regards. However, it’s difficult or impossible to build reliable, scalable systems directly on these primitives. While most every language has support for threads and locks, CPython remains special in its use of a global interpreter lock that prevents threads from concurrently accessing shared memory, because CPython’s memory management is not thread-safe.
In this article we present a technique to triangulate source images, converting them to abstract, someway artistic images composed of tiles of triangles. This will be an attempt to explore the fields between computer technology and art.