While implementing a quick toy example of Crane and Sawhney's really great Monte Carlo Geometry Processing paper, the question arose about whether a quick function I grabbed from The Internet to equally distribute points on a sphere was correct or not. Since it's absolutely the crux of the method, this is an important question! This notebook performs a rather unscientific check for equal distribution of points on the surface of a sphere. It uses the first algorithm from MathWorld: Sphere Point Picking. Foll
GPUs are designed to do many things well, but drawing transparent 3D objects is not one of them. Opacity doesn't commute so that the order in which you draw surfaces makes a big difference. Of course simple additive blending does commute, but it's not really what we think of as "transparent objects". The simplest way to draw transparent objects is from back to front via the painter's algorithm. In this approach we sort geometry and draw only from back to front. This requires sorting triangles, which, in add
Beginning November 13th, 2020, we will no longer accept account passwords when authenticating with the GitHub REST API. In the future, we will similarly no longer accept account passwords when authenticating Git operations.
Let’s imagine a hypothetical situation. There’s an infection going round, and we want to predict the future severity of someone’s illness. There is a test that offers a good prediction. Let’s say the outcome of the test has a correlation of 0.78 with the patient's severity of infection. The problem with the test is that…
Any fundamental discovery involves a significant degree of risk. If an idea is guaranteed to work then it moves from the realm of research to engineering. Unfortunately, this also means that most…
Have you ever wondered how will the machine learning frameworks of the '20s look like? In this essay, I examine the directions AI research might take and the requirements they impose on the tools at our disposal, concluding with an overview of what I believe to be the two strong candidates: `JAX` and `S4TF`.