While implementing a quick toy example of Crane and Sawhney's really great Monte Carlo Geometry Processing paper, the question arose about whether a quick function I grabbed from The Internet to equally distribute points on a sphere was correct or not. Since it's absolutely the crux of the method, this is an important question! This notebook performs a rather unscientific check for equal distribution of points on the surface of a sphere. It uses the first algorithm from MathWorld: Sphere Point Picking. Foll
Let’s imagine a hypothetical situation. There’s an infection going round, and we want to predict the future severity of someone’s illness. There is a test that offers a good prediction. Let’s say the outcome of the test has a correlation of 0.78 with the patient's severity of infection. The problem with the test is that…
M. Lindvall, und J. Molin. (2020)cite arxiv:2001.07455Comment: Accepted for presentation in poster format for the ACM CHI'19 Workshop <Emerging Perspectives in Human-Centered Machine Learning>.