"Ajax" stands for "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML." It is interesting to know that the term was coined just five years ago, on Feb 18, 2005 by user interface expert Jesse James Garrett. The elements of Ajax were already in use, but Garrett's 2005 blog entry gave a name to a powerful computing movement. In recognition of Ajax' birthday, SearchSOA.com reached out to Ajax thought leaders who, via email, formed a virtual roundtable discussion on where Ajax has come and how it is expected to evolve.
In this post from the blog "The Innovation Diaries", the author tries to categorize people's tweets into a hierarchy resembling Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs for human beings. Each category is well explained and then illustrated by a few examples.
Denise Pires, a student from University of Amsterdam, wrote in the blog "Masters of Media" about why we, as human beings, tend to use the well-known microblogging service.