N3 has been well received for its "scribblability", because it is much more compact and readble than XML RDF, and because it forms a good introduction into many key principles of the Semantic Web.
This is an introduction to Semantic Web ideas aimed at someone with experience in programming, perhaps with Web sites and scripting, who wants to understand how RDF is useful in practice. The aim is to give a feel for what the Semantic Web is, and allow o
This is a language which is a compact and readable alternative to RDF's XML syntax, but also is extended to allow greater expressiveness. It has subsets, one of which is RDF 1.0 equivalent, and one of which is RDF plus a form of RDF rules.
he Music Ontology Specification provides main concepts and properties fo describing music (i.e. artists, albums and tracks) on the Semantic Web. This document contains a detailed description of the Music Ontology.
Annotea is a W3C Semantic Web Advanced Development project that provides a framework for rich communication about Web pages through shared RDF metadata. An RDF model of bookmark classification permits multiple classification systems to be related to each