Confabb is a new service launching today that offers a centralized place to find information about all kinds of conferences. The site offers everything from speaker and event reviews to photos of the events after the fact through integration with Flickr.
Search Manager is a database program that I designed to track job leads and job search activities. You can use the program to track the progress of individual leads, company information and contact names and phone numbers. The program will also generate
One of the most important things a database needs is a key, or more precisely a Primary Key. This is a unique identifier for a row and is needed to be able to access data in a table. In Core Data this is taken care of automatically, however you will have
Medical Research Resources, Library Catalog (ThomCat), Micromedex, STAT!Ref, Harrisons, UpToDate, Access Medicine, MD Consult, Ovid, Scopus, More. University Hospital Listing.
MusicBrainz is a user-maintained community music metadatabase...artist names, release titles, tracklist...Its web site is the interface which allows the creation and maintenance of the data, all user-contributed and user-maintained. This means that if you