It might seem redundant to have semantic tagging when you can basically find anything you can think of with simple searches in Google or Yahoo. But seems to be most surprising when you're trying to find things that relate to what you're intere
A Joomla! based module that gives a visual appeal to your site, allows visitors to click/be redirected to a social bookmarking attract more traffic to your site. Download free version, and if you're willing, please leave a review/rating of Socio tags aren’t like meta keyword tags because of the Lesson. Meta keyword tags provide no personal value whatsoever. All of their value is social. They’re for aggregation engines to find and tell other people about. In other words
OpenID is a lightweight, decentralized identity system that has been gaining prominence. I expect this upcoming year to be a big year for OpenID -- and not just because of the Google trend chart with the recent uptake in search query share.
What Does an Insider Think About Social Bookmarking and Blogging? November 14th, 2006 at 11:18 am by Tony Well, I asked one — Muhammad Saleem is one of the hired guns at Netscape, and previously an elite Digger. He also blogs at I sat d
almost all these sites have the same basic features: browser bookmarklets for one-click link saving, RSS feeds, tags and sharing capability. Beyond those basic features is where the services begin to differ. What follows is our list of the best places
To get a handle on the state of the art [AI created an annotated list of 40 sites]. I think we should see within the foreseeable future a standard set of functionalities - submitting, ranking, organizing, searching, commentating, collaborating, annotatin
This article looks at the evolving crop of social bookmarking tools, their functionality and examples of use. The goal is to help nonprofits understand the value of using social bookmarking tools and to determine which social bookmarking tool would best s
...we contemplate whether the social bookmarking space is a zero-sum game. Because of self-selection, having multiple social news sites may ultimately be a good thing...When you have more targeted sites you have better discussions, and more socializing be
A page full of buttons for bookmarking (simultaneously, if desired) to sites like, magnolia, digg, furl, spurl, reddit, blogmarks, feedmelinks, and so on.