C. Brauer, C. Bauer, и M. Dirlinger. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI 2014), стр. 1213-1225. Paderborn, Germany, Universität Paderborn, (2014)
C. Bauer, A. Mladenow, и C. Strauss. 11th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization & Engineering (CDVE 2014), том 9320 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, Seattle, WA, (сентября 2014)
K. Figl, R. Motschnig-Pitrik, и C. Bauer. 18. Tagung des Forums Neue Medien in der Lehre Austria (fnma), стр. 78-90. Vienna, Austria, Forum Neue Medien in der Lehre Austria (fnma), Forum Neue Medien in der Lehre Austria (fnma), (июля 2009)
K. Dinnissen, и C. Bauer. Proceedings of the 24th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, стр. 482-491. ISMIR, ISMIR, (ноября 2023)
C. Bauer, и E. Zangerle. 2nd Workshop on Green (Responsible, Ethical and Social) IT and IS - the Corporate Perspective (GRES-IT/IS), Vienna, Austria, Department für Informationsverarbeitung und Prozessmanagement, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, (2018)
C. Bauer, P. Dohmen, и C. Strauss. 1st International Workshop on Frontiers in Service Transformations and Innovations (FSTI 2011) (part of 2nd International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies (EIDWT 2011)), стр. 137-142. IEEE, (сентября 2011)
M. Schedl, и C. Bauer. 15th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM2017), стр. 74-81. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (декабря 2017)Best Paper Award.
C. Bauer, и M. Schedl. Adjunct Publication of the 25th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, стр. 350-353. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (июля 2017)