The professionals required to work in data science, data librarianship and data management are a new breed for whom the knowledge and skills requirements are just emerging. Academic institutions are putting together courses to address this shortage without fully understanding what the knowledge and skills requirements are for data professionals in different types of organisation types. This paper aims to increase that understanding.Interviews were conducted with 36 currently practicing data professionals and their employers about current knowledge and skills requirements. Participants were purposefully selected to achieve a cross section of data roles and employing institutions and interviews ceased once saturation was achieved.Two types of coding were employed: initial coding to establish categories, followed by more focused coding, for analytical depth. Every effort is made to accurately present the viewpoint of participants. All participants reported the importance of high level communication and personal learning skills and characteristics around curiosity, flexibility and comfort with change. In universities and scientific research organisations the required knowledge and skills are in areas which might be classified as data management and curation; and in business and government organisations, as data science and management. While there are still uncertainties about knowledge and skills requirements and role ambiguities in different data roles in different organisational types, knowledge and skills related to particular roles begin to emerge and are discussed.
Das gemeinsames Förderprogramm des Stifterverbandes und der Heinz Nixdorf Stiftung im Rahmen der Initiative "Future Skills" soll die Vermittlung von Datenkompetenzen an Studierende aller Fächer stärken. Es werden insgesamt drei Hochschulen mit bis zu 250.000 Euro gefördert.
Mit dem Projekt "Daten Lesen Lernen" verfolgt die Uni Göttingen das Ziel, Studierende aller Fachrichtungen die Grundlagen im Umgang mit Daten zu vermitteln.
In der ersten Online-Veranstaltung der Themeneinheit "Digital Literacy" des Qualifizierungsspecials "learning e-learning" wurde in das Thema Data Litera...
Rückblick auf das Fachgespräch "Data Literacy – was braucht es für eine Datenkultur von morgen?" vom 2. September 2020: Um den Innovationsstandort Deutschland zu sichern, ist die Etablierung einer Datenkultur, die Schaffung eines Daten-Ökosystems und die Nutzung von Open Data notwendig.
The data-turn is starting to have a significant impact on library and information sciences. In an era of abundant growth of data and supporting infrastructure, proposals for the twinning of information and data science in library and information science schools aim to create expertise which would cater to the job market in need of data-oriented specialists. While data literacy creates the main line of discourse alternative approaches are being considered such as the concept of critical data literacy. A comprehensive thematic analysis of the critical data literacy discourse is undertaken to construct a comprehensive definition of critical data literacy and conceptualize its relation to the general thinking on related concepts. The articles were chosen based on the PRISMA instrument for construction of samples for systematic reviews and when submitted to its eligibility criteria 30 articles remained which were thematically analysed using the MAXQDA software. Our interpretive analysis uncovered five major themes: ontological treatment of data; critique of the epistemological status of data; literacy rationale situated in key problem accentuations; critical pedagogic articulation; and critical data literacy as ethics. We conclude that there is a growing need for terminological clarity in relation to the concepts of data and information considered in the context of the established discourse on critical data literacy.