"Who's ready to stop working for free? Hopefully you are! If you have any doubts, consult this handy chart below. Start in the middle and work your way to your answer!"
Discovered by Gerardine Botte of Ohio University, the process focuses in on a catalyst that would have a variety of applications, including fuel for hydrogen powered cars and cleaning up municipal waters.
"Der Markt für Suchmaschinen schien längst aufgeteilt, als eine kleine Firma namens Google ihn von hinten aufrollte. Seitdem versuchte der Konzern das Kunststück immer wieder - nicht selten mit Erfolg. Sein Geld verdient er noch immer fast vollständig mit Online-Werbung. Wie innovationsfähig ist der Suchmaschinengigant heute noch?"
frank gehry's first ever residential structure is now complete. located in manhattan,
the unit entitled 'new york by gehry' (formally known as 'beekman tower'), is the
tallest residential tower in the western hemisphere.
standing 870 feet tall, the building looks to reinterpret the classic design language
with a tower that alters and impacts the dense city skyline.
the exhibition 'in retrospect: hong kong zoomed in miniature exhibition', hosts 42 miniature models created by a number of artists, all depicting real stores and streets of old hong kong. artists used a range of found and handmade materials to assemble the pieces, some of which are illuminated by working light bulbs or miniature ceiling fans.
under the artistic direction of david pountney, stage designer david fielding brings the opera 'andré chénier' to life for the 'opera on the lake' floating stage ('seebühne') of the 2011 bregenz opera festival in bregenz, austria.
PayPal founder Peter Thiel will be investing $1,23 Million (according to Inhabitat) for the developing of revolutionary micro-countries built on oil rig-like platforms, which will be movable, diesel-powered and will each have around 12 000 tons, housing up to 270 people.
"The Box Lounger may look like little more than a funky design with a retro feel but it’s actually quite functional. The inside is fitted with super-soft, comfy cushioning that also happens to be great at absorbing sounds, making it the perfect “mini-office” for making phone calls, working on a laptop, or just relaxing. Available in a variety of different colors, its square shape also makes a great room divider." (Yankodesign.com)
Perrfect for libraries?
History of Graphic Design, Graphic Designers, Art and Design Movements, Motion Graphics, Typography, Color, Design, graphic, Design, Reference, Referenced, A collection of information intended to be used as a primer and a reference tool in relation to the history of graphic design
"Alexa Meade is a 25 year-old artist who has developed an approach to portraiture that involves painting directly on top of her human subjects in a style that perceptually compresses 3D space into a 2D plane. The project is a fusion of painting, photography, performance, and installation."