This pilot project collects problems and metrics/datasets from the AI research literature, and tracks progress on them. You can use this notebook to see how things are progressing in specific subfields or AI/ML as a whole, as a place to report new results you've obtained, as a place to look for problems that might benefit from having new datasets/metrics designed for them, or as a source to build on for data science projects. At EFF, we're ultimately most interested in how this data can influence our understanding of the likely implications of AI. To begin with, we're focused on gathering it.
Die besten SSDs in der Test-Übersicht (November 2012): SSDs sind die beste Empfehlung zur PC-Aufrüstung. Nicht nur sind aktuelle Top-SSDs rasend schnell, auch das Euro-pro-Gigabyte-Verhältnis eines Solid-State-Drives verbessert sich dank Preissenkungen immer weiter. PC Games Hardware bringt eine Bestenliste und gibt generelle Tipps zu SSD-Auswahl und konkrete Kauftipps. is a home online for digital artist and designer Jer Thorp. It is an exhibiition of generative projects & experiments with evolution as well as a space for discussion and learning. Jer Thorp is an artist and educator working out of Vancouver, Canada. His work has been exhibited internationally and he is a regular speaker at conferences and events around the world.
Jeremy is talking about that CNN maybe will take over by the end of the year. What would be the best solution for a time series with parallel parameters that normally use LSTM/GRU to solve before? For example predicting…
This list is intended to introduce some of the tools of Bayesian statistics and machine learning that can be useful to computational research in cognitive science.
Take free online classes from 80+ top universities and organizations. Coursera is a social entrepreneurship company partnering with Stanford University, Yale University, Princeton University and others around the world to offer courses online for anyone to take, for free. We believe in connecting people to a great education so that anyone around the world can learn without limits.
BBC News forum posts: 2,594,745 comments from selected BBC News forums and > 1,000 human classified sentiment strengths with a postive strength of 1-5 and a negative strength of 1-5. The classification is the average of three human classifiers.
Digg post comments: 1,646,153 comments on Digg posts (typically highlighting news or technology stories) and > 1,000 human classified sentiment strengths with a postive strength of 1-5 and a negative strength of 1-5. The classification is the average of three human classifiers.
MySpace (social network site) comments: six sets of systematic samples (3 for the US and 3 for the UK) of all comments exchanged between pairs of friends (about 350 pairs for each UK sample and about 3,500 pairs for each US sample) from a total of >100,000 members and > 1,000 human classified sentiment strengths with a postive strength of 1-5 and a negative strength of 1-5. The classification is the average of three human classifiers.
D3 allows you to bind arbitrary data to a Document Object Model (DOM), and then apply data-driven transformations to the document. As a trivial example, you can use D3 to generate a basic HTML table from an array of numbers. Or, use the same data to create an interactive SVG bar chart with smooth transitions and interaction.
The latest news, resources, books and expert analysis around data science, data mining, machine learning and how data is being put to use in new and important ways. Selected Tools is a collection of tools that we, the people behind, work with on a daily basis and recommend warmly.
This website provides you with disposable e-mail addresses which expire after 60 Minutes. You can read and reply to e-mails that are sent to the temporary e-mail address within the given time frame.
Eclipse Advanced Commands This article describes use cases for Eclipse commands which go beyond the simple one for adding commands to menus, toolbars, etc. This article is based on Eclipse Indigo (3.7).
The Abstract Syntax Tree is the base framework for many powerful tools of the Eclipse IDE, including refactoring, Quick Fix and Quick Assist. The Abstract Syntax Tree maps plain Java source code in a tree form. This tree is more convenient and reliable to analyse and modify programmatically than text-based source. This article shows how you can use the Abstract Syntax Tree for your own applications.
The Eclipse Platform is an open and extensible platform. This article explains in detail how the Workbench can be extended to add new actions and provides guidance to the plug-in developers on how they can design for extensibility.
J. Illig, A. Hotho, R. Jäschke, and G. Stumme. Knowledge Processing and Data Analysis, volume 6581 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 136--149. Berlin/Heidelberg, Springer, (2011)